After being in the house for four straight days with the kids (bad weather days!), Jason and I decided to take the kids bowling. I really wasn't sure how they would do because they are still really young (5, 3, and 2). We went to a bowling alley by the house that ended up being very child friendly. The kids had the best time! Here are some pictures from our latest adventure:
Isaiah throwing the ball down the lane. He was actually very good at it!
Isaiah loved seeing how many pins his ball hit! He would watch the ball very closely all the way down the lane.
Isaiah also loved watching everyone else bowl!
Addison had a blast waiting for the ball to come out of the ball return. I of course was paranoid about their fingers being smashed .
The girls used a ramp to help them bowl. It made bowling so much easier for them (and for Jason and I)!
Addison celebrating her great bowl!
Katelyn was absolutely hilarious when bowling. She just thought it was so much fun.
Katelyn's Victory Dance! After every bowl she would do this little dance and would spin in circles. It was hilarious!
The kids had such a great time that Isaiah asked if we could go again when he got three stickers for the week in school. This rarely happens so Jason and I of course agreed to it. I guess we'll be taking him back sooner than expected, he got a sticker every day this week! It's amazing what kids will do for something that they really love!
Until later,
A very fun snow day family activity!
They have shoes that fit them! I guess I need to take Kenzie bowling... have y'all been roller skating? Kenzie loved it! And they have little tiny roller skates for the kids too :)
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