Thursday, April 29, 2010


This week is National Infertility Week. There were many times when I would just lay in bed and cry thinking that I would never be called "mom." Now, all I hear all day long is "mama, mama, mama."

Our infertility journey started about a year after we were married. We had 2 IUI's done, 2 IVF's done, got pregnant with what they thought was twins after the last IVF and then miscarried within 1 week. After that last IVF and miscarriage I remember feeling like a failure. I was heartbroken and saddened. I cried for many days and prayed to God for some guidance. Jason and I spoke about adoption and our mind was made up. This is what God had in store for us, this is what was going to help make all of our dreams come true. Ten months after starting the adoption journey, Isaiah was home. My sweet, precious, little boy made me a "mom." I will never forget the feeling of arriving in the airport at home with Isaiah in my arms. It still brings tears to my eyes. Three months after Isaiah arrived home, I found out I was pregnant with Addison Grace. My beautiful, little dancer that they said I had miscarried and couldn't find a heartbeat, had danced her way into our hearts. Three months after Addison was born, I was pregnant with Kate. I was on birth control when I was pregnant with Kate and I remember sitting in the bathroom crying after taking the pregnancy test because I had no clue how we were going to be able to afford 3 children. Kate is our spunky, loving little girl, who we couldn't imagine life without. Our family is complete, our prayers answered. God is good!

For those of you struggling with infertility my hearts and prayers are with you all.

To my dear friend struggling with infertility (no name needs to me mentioned, you know who you are): You are an amazing person, a loving individual and my thoughts and prayers are with you always. I am here for you every step of the way, stay strong, have faith! Love ya!

And now a picture of my 3 miracles that call me Mom!

Until later,

1 comment:

Christy said...

love ya'll! Wouldn't trade a minute of it!