Monday, April 5, 2010

The Shred Update

So, out of the 12 days since I started the video, I have missed two. I missed last Thursday because I really wasn't feeling well and I had absolutely no desire to work out. I was pretty down about it when I went to bed that night, but I just couldn't find the energy to do the workout. I also missed my Easter day workout. We visited both set of grandparents and by the time we got home I was exhausted.

I have completed 10 days of the workout and I certainly can see a change. I'm not sure how much weight I've lost because we don't own a scale, but I have lost some. What I notice the most is how much flatter my stomach has gotten and how much more muscular my legs are. I have always had large thighs, I think it was all the soccer growing up, but it is nice to see some muscle back in my large thighs.

I must say that I really do enjoy the video. I alternate between Workout 1 and Workout 2 for the variety. There are some of the activities that are still really hard for me (like jumping jacks), but everything has gotten much easier.

Day 11, here I come! Can't wait to see how much my body changes after 20 more days of the video!

Until later,

1 comment:

Shyla said...

Keep it up! I'm glad you're feeling the progress!