Monday, May 11, 2009

Mom's Day 2009

I remember the years when Mother's Day made my cry. I wanted to be a mom more than anything. I actually skipped going to church on Mother's Day because I didn't want to think about it any more than I had to. My life felt incomplete. I had an incredible, supportive husband and felt like a failure because I couldn't provide him with the children that he wanted. And then my life took a turn that I never expected.

My nights are now spent awake because a child needs (or wants) me, not because I'm longing for a child.

My tears are often because I'm laughing so hard at one of the kids that I start crying not because another attempt at having a child has failed.

My smiles are now tripled because of my three miracles.

My money (all of it) is now spent on my children not on trying to have children.

My worries are now that I'm not being the best mom that I can be instead of not ever becoming a mom.

Here are my precious miracles. Thank you sweet babies for making me a mommy. I love you!

And to my mom, I love you! You have helped make me the mom (and person) that I am today. Thank you for all your advice, understanding and love. I only hope that I can be as good of a mom as you are.

Until next time,


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