Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Mischievous Monkey

Oh, Kate, Kate, Kate! This girl sure keeps us on our toes. She has gone from this quiet, laid back little girl to a sneaky, mischievous little monkey. About three weeks ago Kate's personality really started to change. I think she was tired of being told what to do and how to do it by her siblings. She has started to "rule" her own little world. The past couple of nights Kate has stayed up late (and kept Addison up late) talking. She just talks and talks and talks. Jason and I often mute the TV just to listen to what Kate is talking about. We can't understand a lot of it, but she sure has the cutest voice. Tonight after hearing Kate talk and scream (a happy scream) for about 10 minutes, we walked into the girls room to check on her. This is what we saw:

The diaper stacker is now INSIDE the crib (Please ignore Kate's pajamas. Matching pajamas are not high on my priority list.):

The diapers are now on the floor:

Katelyn was so happy with herself and the mess she created!

Addison kept saying, "Katelyn just through all the diapers on the floor. It was so funny!"

Can you see Jason's foot on the floor? Yes, Jason picked up all the diapers and found a bucket to put them in while I took photos! Maybe Kate is trying to tell us she is ready to start potty training! Yeah right, three kids out of diapers, that would be a dream come true!

Until later,

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