Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 5 - Done!

I finished Day 5 of the Shred today. So far it is going well. The workout is getting easier for me and I am starting to see little changes. I've lost about 3.5 pounds, at least that's what I think. We don't have a "real" scale in the house, but we do have a Wii fit. So, I stood on the Wii fit on Sunday and had lost 5.1 one pounds since I had stood on it last. However, that was first thing in the morning and I had not stood on the Wii fit in 83 days (yes, it keeps track of that!).
Working out again feels great, but I afterwards I feel like this:

Poor little boy was so tired after a long day that he fell asleep sitting up on the couch.

Until later,


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